KVS Junior Secretariate Assistant (JSA) Syllabus In Hindi Pdf 2023
KVS JSA Syllabus :KVS has released a notice in which they reveal different vacancy which will going to come expectedly in End of September. In this article we will going to discuss about KVS Junior Secretariate Assistant Syllabus, exam pattern, eligibility, selection process and most importantly KVS JSA Syllabus in hindi as well as in english. We also provide you KVS JSA Syllabus in pdf form which you can easily get at the bottom of this article.
Candidates should familiarize themselves with the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus & Exam Pattern in order to understand the marking structure and subjects covered.
So let’s start our journey to crack KVS JSA Exam with Knowing about job profile then selection process after than we will going to finish it with KVS Junior Secretariate Assistant Syllabus along with some important trick and tips to get this wonderful government job easily.
Recruiting Body |
Kendriya Vidhyalaya Sangthan |
Post Name |
Junior Secretariate Assistant |
Job Type |
Apply Mode |
Online |
KVS JSA Syllabus PDF |
Get Here AND Last Of Article |
Official Site |
Click Here |
Exam Pattern For KVS JSA
- A sum of 120 questions will be posed during the exam.
- The examination will be divided into two sections: Part I and Part II.
- Part I encompasses Language Proficiency, whereas Part II covers General Awareness and Computer Literacy.
- In case of a tie in scores between two candidates, priority will be given to the candidate with an earlier Date of Birth.
Written Exam |
Test |
Subject | No. Of Question | Marks | Time |
Part 1 |
Proficiency of Languages | |||
General English | 20 | 20 | ||
General Hindi | 20 | 20 | ||
Total | 40 | 40 | 40 Minutes | |
Part 2 |
General awareness & Computer Literacy |
General Knowledge | 20 | 20 | 80 Minutes | |
Reasoning Ability | 20 | 20 | ||
Computer Literacy | 20 | 20 | ||
Quantitative Aptitude | 20 | 20 | ||
Total | 120 | 120 | 120 Minutes |
Crafting a Successful KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant 2023 Preparation Strategy with a Focus on the KVS JSO Syllabus and Exam
When gearing up for the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant exam, implementing a comprehensive preparation strategy is paramount.
Structured Study Schedule:
One of the foundational elements of exam success is creating a well-structured study schedule.
Set a robust timetable that delineates study sessions, review periods, and breaks. Sticking rigorously to this schedule until the exam day is essential.
Leverage Past Question Papers:
Gaining familiarity with the exam pattern and question types is pivotal. Make it a point to practice with previous years’ question papers.
This approach not only acquaints you with the format but also aids in honing your skills, enhancing your performance, and meeting the coveted Cut Off marks.
Strategic Mock Tests:
Incorporating mock tests into your preparation strategy can elevate your readiness to new heights. These tests simulate real exam conditions and provide an ideal platform for self-assessment.
To further augment your preparation, explore the Testbook Free Live Tests & Quizzes – a resourceful tool to gauge your progress.
Consistent Revision:
A successful study plan encompasses regular revision. Revise each subject consistently to solidify your understanding and memory retention.
This diligent revision practice ensures that you recall and apply all the knowledge you’ve accumulated thus far.
By amalgamating these tactics, candidates can establish a potent KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant 2023 preparation strategy tailored to the KVS JSO syllabus and exam.
This holistic approach not only maximizes your chances of acing the test but also equips you with the skills and confidence needed to excel.
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus In Hindi
केवीएस जूनियर सचिवालय सहायक भाग 1 पाठ्यक्रम 2022
सामान्य अंग्रेज़ी
- सर्वनाम,
- क्रिया विशेषण,
- लेख
- कथन
- विशेषण
- क्रिया
- पूर्वस्थिति,
- मुहावरे और वाक्यांश,
- विलोम और समानार्थी शब्द,
- शब्दावली, आदि।
सामान्य हिंदी
- संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा के भेद,
- सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम के भेद,
- भाषा,
- लंकार,
- सन्धि,
- तत्सम,
- तद्भव,
- देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द,
- विशेषण एवं विशेषण के भेद,
- क्रिया एवं क्रिया के भेद,
- वचन,
- लिंग,
- उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय,
- समानार्थी शब्द,
- मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
केवीएस जूनियर सचिवालय सहायक भाग द्वितीय पाठ्यक्रम 2022
सामान्य ज्ञान और करंट अफेयर्स
- पुरस्कार
- किताबें और उनके लेखक,
- खेल-कूद
- हर दिन विज्ञान,
- वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान,
- इतिहास- प्राचीन, मध्यकालीन और आधुनिक,
- भूगोल
- सामयिक विषय
- राज्यव्यवस्था
- अर्थशास्त्र
- भारतीय कला और संस्कृति, आदि।
तर्क करने की क्षमता
- तार्किक तर्क,
- मौखिक और गैर-मौखिक प्रकार,
- पहेलियाँ और बैठने की व्यवस्था,
- उपमाएं,
- समानताएं
- दिशा-निर्देश
- कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग,
- सिल्लोगिज्म,
- रक्त संबंध,
- दर्पण छवि,
- आदेश और रैंकिंग, और अधिक।
कंप्यूटर साक्षरता
- कंप्यूटर की विशेषताएं,
- कंप्यूटर सॉफ्टवेयर- हार्डवेयर और सॉफ्टवेयर के बीच संबंध,
- रैम सहित कंप्यूटर संगठन,
- फ़ाइल सिस्टम,
- ई-गवर्नेंस के लिए सरकार द्वारा सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी का अनुप्रयोग,
- मोबाइल/स्मार्टफोन,
- सूचना कियोस्क,
- भारतीय उपकरण,
- ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम,
- एमएस-ऑफिस (वर्ड, एक्सेल /स्प्रेड शीट, पावर पॉइंट का एक्सपोजर),
- सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और समाज-भारतीय आईटी अधिनियम,
- डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर
- प्रतिशत
- लाभ और हानि,
- अनुपात और अनुपात,
- सरल और चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज,
- संख्या प्रणाली,
- समय और काम,
- औसत
- समय और दूरी
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Part I Syllabus 2022
General English
- Pronouns,
- Adverbs,
- Articles,
- Narration,
- Adjective,
- Verb,
- Prepositions,
- Idioms & phrases,
- Antonym & Synonyms,
- Vocabulary, etc.
General Hindi
- संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा के भेद,
- सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम के भेद,
- भाषा,
- लंकार,
- सन्धि,
- तत्सम,
- तद्भव,
- देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द,
- विशेषण एवं विशेषण के भेद,
- क्रिया एवं क्रिया के भेद,
- वचन,
- लिंग,
- उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय,
- समानार्थी शब्द,
- मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Part II Syllabus 2022
General Knowledge & Current Affairs
- Awards,
- Books & their authors,
- Sports,
- Everyday Science,
- Scientific Research,
- History- Ancient, Medieval & Modern,
- Geography,
- Current Affairs,
- Polity,
- Economics,
- Indian Art & Culture, etc.
Reasoning Ability
- Logical Reasoning,
- Verbal and non-verbal types,
- Puzzles and Seating Arrangement,
- analogies,
- similarities,
- Directions,
- Coding-decoding,
- Syllogism,
- Blood Relation,
- Mirror Image,
- Order and Ranking, and more.
Computer Literacy
- Characteristics of Computers,
- Computer Software-Relationship between Hardware and Software,
- Computer Organization including RAM,
- ROM,
- File System,
- Application of information technology jn Government for EGovernance,
- mobile/Smartphone’s,
- Information Kiosks,
- lnput Devices,
- Operating System,
- MS-Office (exposure of Word, Excel/spread sheet, Power point),
- Information Technology and Society-Indian IT Act,
- Digital Signatures
Quantitative Aptitude
- Percentages,
- Profit and Loss,
- Ratio and Proportions,
- Simple and Compound Interest,
- Number System,
- Time and Work,
- Averages,
- Time and Distance
KVS Junior Secretariate Assistant 2023: Books for Preparation
English Grammar Wren and Martin Objective English R S Aggarwal Samanya Hindi Book for 2022 Agrawal Examcart Arihant Book for General Hindi Arihant publications Objective Computer Awareness Arihant Experts Computer Knowledge Rani Ahilya Quantitative Aptitude R S Aggarwal